JOHN WAYNE GACYwrote hundreds of letters and was a frequent caller to Richie Denton. Most of Gacy’s phone conversations were sexually explicit, tied to his
JOHN WAYNE GACYwrote hundreds of letters and was a frequent caller to Richie Denton. Most of Gacy’s phone conversations were sexually explicit, tied to his
GERARD SCHAEFER Convicted of only two murders, Schaefer, a one-time Deputy Sheriff of Martin County, Florida is believed to have committed upwards of sixty murders
DAVID ALAN GORE raped, murdered, and dismembered 6 women. His writings are extremely vulgar and overflowing with graphic detail about his murders and the method
Roy Norris and Lawrence Bittaker were dubbed the “Toolbox Killers” by the media because of their predilection for torturing teenage victims using common household implements:
Dubbed “The Night Stalker,” Richard Ramirez wrote 269 letters to Richie Dickstein. From the opening letter Ramirez blatantly reveals himself as a sadistic sexual deviant.